

Duke is a command-line interface task manager. You can use Duke to manage a list of to-do items, upcoming deadlines, and upcoming events. The list is saved upon exit and will be loaded upon the next session of Duke.


This section describes the features that Duke supports.


1. Adding New Tasks

New tasks can be added by typing the command relevant to the type of task that is to be added (i.e. todo,event or deadline).

1.1 Adding New To-Dos: todo

1.2 Adding New Events: event

1.3 Adding New Deadlines: deadline

2. Listing All Tasks: list

3. Finding Tasks by Keyword: find

1.[T][X] CS2113 Homework 2.[D][X] CS2105 Assignment (by: next week) ____________________

## 4.	Marking Tasks as Done: ```done```
- Marks specified tasks as done. 
- Specified index of the task will be its index of the entire task list by default, unless the ```list``` or ```find``` command has been called. In which case, it will be the index of the item as shown in the last shown list.
- Format: ```done INDEX```
- Examples:
   - ```done 1```
   - ```done 2```
- Expected Output:

done 1 Nice! I’ve marked this task as done: [O] CS2113 Homework

## 5.	Deleting Tasks: ```delete```
- Delete specified tasks from the list. 
- Specified index of the task will be its index of the entire task list by default, unless the ```list``` or ```find``` command has been called. In which case, it will be the index of the item as shown in the last shown list.
- Format: ```done INDEX```
- Examples:
   - ```delete 1```
   - ```delete 2```
- Expected Output:

delete 1 ____________________ Noted. I’ve removed this task: [T][O] CS2113 Homework Now you have 3 tasks in the list. ____________________

## 6. Loading Tasks from File
- Loading of tasks will be done automatically upon starting the application when there is a saved file present in the same directory of the Duke application. The file has the name ```data.txt```.
- Expected Output:

Previous tasks has been loaded successfully: ____________________ 1.[E][X] Career Fair (at: 26-02-2020) 2.[D][X] English Essay (by: 26 Feb) 3.[D][X] CS2105 Assignment (by: next week)

## 7. Saving Tasks: ```bye```
- Saving the state of the task list is done automatically when the program is exited using the ```bye`` command.
- Format: ```bye```
- Expected Output:

bye Bye. Hope to see you again soon! ```